If all knowledge upon Earth were to be destroyed, and only one sentence was
able to be left behind to the next generation, that would be that in God’s
eyes; everyone is equal meaning that love does not have a color, and to always
go after what makes you happy. This valuable statement is so simple yet so in
depth all at once.
Earth is filled with numerous
different ethnic diversities. Each and everyone specifically handcrafted by God
to be exactly the way they are. Society itself has formed its opinions of the
way these different ethnic diversities are viewed. God views us all the same,
we are all his children. When choosing who you grow affection for, or who you
fall in love with, do not look upon them and deny them due to their skin color,
for God does not. Ultimately, God rules over everyone and if God does not judge
us by the color of our skin, then why she would judge others based on theirs? All
generations should be made aware that true love has no color.
Happiness is one of the greatest
joys to be able to experience in life. It takes good times and countless life
experiences and allows you to further enjoy them. Often times in life people
will not accept what makes you happy and they will try to stop you from
obtaining that which makes you happy. Never let anyone take away your
happiness. Fight for what makes you happy. Your happiness is one of the few
things that you will always be able to acquire without the help of others, and
without material things. Strive to surround yourself with happiness and to
always go after what brings happiness upon you.
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