Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Teens Facing Problems; 5th Six Weeks, Blog 3

Blog Post 3; Main Problem Teens Face

                In this day and time, I believe the largest problems that teens face is searching for their identity.  Everybody wants to be accepted and recognized for who they are; especially teens.  Teens change their lifestyle around completely just to be accepted by society and the people around them.  While adjusting to their new way of life, they change their looks, emotions, and who they really are.  In doing this, teens often struggle to find their selves and who they really are.  While trying to be accepted by society, they are also struggling to find their identity.

                The definition of identity is the fact of being who or what a person is.  Characteristics of who you are make up your identity. 

                Researchers say not only do teens try to change their selves for society, but that it is also a hormonal change.  These changes react rapidly which causes the teenager to act differently and more quickly.  Teens are confronted with multiple issues which causes them to question their actions and most importantly who they are.

                Reporter, Seth Mullins, states “the opinions of their friends and acquaintances become very important at this age even as kids are rejecting their parents’ overtures. Here is another area where their sense of identity can become clouded, because they start comparing themselves to everyone else.”  In this statement, Mullins informs readers that teens lose their selves while being persuaded by friends to do one thing while parents say for them to do another.  They get surrounded by different opinions, which can cause stress on the teenager.

                Finding strategies to help out with the finding of a teen’s identity is not easy.  Because teens have different ways of living, many strategies could be performed.  I believe teenagers can solve this problem by surrounding their selves with people that have many of the same interests as them.  Although finding your identity is not easy, teens could find their selves fast and better when they surround their selves with what they like.

                Everybody, including teens, face trying to find their identity. 

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