Blog; 6th
six weeks; Regret
is something that every person has dealt with or is dealing with. Regret is not usually something that people
enjoy. It is usually a feeling or anger,
sadness, or repentance. Although regret
deals with difficult experiences, these challenges help you to learn from your
mistake or decision.
most often makes people want to go back in time and change what the decision or
mistake they made. Although people wish
this, it is not possible. Being that is
impossible to go back into time and change something, it is possible to look in
the future of take caution to each and every action you make.
people perform actions that they know they will regret in the future. They usually do this because it is making
them happy at that moment or because they are being pressured into it. Although neither action is right, it still
you regret something, you usually go through a period of anger, sadness, or
some kind of emotion. At the time of
this, you might seem like you will never be happy again, but after talking it
out or thinking about the decision you made, you start to learn. You have to make mistakes to learn; it’s a
fact of life. Not only can regret tear
you down, but it could also build you up.
is something that you cannot dodge. You
have to face it at some point and time depending on the decisions you
make. If anything, regret helps you to
learn a lesson and to help you make the right choices.
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