Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Blog 2; 6th six weeks; Last Words as a Sophomore

Blog 2; 6th six weeks; last words
                My sophomore year has been a year of complete ups and downs.  When the year started, teachers piled work on us.  Ever since that first day, we have been busting our butts to keep our grades up and get acceptable grades on tests and work.  As the year has progressed, we’ve begin to slow down.  It’s hard to believe how fast this year has gone; it’s almost like it’s came and gone in no time.
                My year has had plenty of struggles on its own.  I’ve had a hard time coping with the amount of homework and tests in specific classes.  When coming into being a sophomore, I knew I would have to work hard to earn everything, but I didn’t know I would have to work this hard.  I’ve failed tests, I’ve not understood certain material, and many more negative remarks.  Through each struggle, I’ve tried my hardest to hold my head up and tell myself I could do it; and honestly that is what has helped me achieve everything and come this far.  I couldn’t have done this without the support of my friends, family, teachers, and myself.
                Although I had many struggles, I have also had many positive memories of this year.  I have come to find out who I am in myself.  I have learned that opportunities don’t come to you; instead, you have to look for them.  Unlike previous years, this year was NOT filled with drama.  I’m so happy that my friends and I have looked beside the pointless crap and moved on.  I’m so thankful for everyone that has came in my life this past year.
                As my final words, I would like to just thank my friends, family, teachers, and everyone who has helped me have a great year.  Without them, it would not have been the same.  As this year is winding down, I can’t help to look forward to the summer and the future years to come.

Blog 1; 6th six weeks; Regret

Blog; 6th six weeks; Regret
                Regret is something that every person has dealt with or is dealing with.  Regret is not usually something that people enjoy.  It is usually a feeling or anger, sadness, or repentance.  Although regret deals with difficult experiences, these challenges help you to learn from your mistake or decision.
                Regret most often makes people want to go back in time and change what the decision or mistake they made.  Although people wish this, it is not possible.  Being that is impossible to go back into time and change something, it is possible to look in the future of take caution to each and every action you make. 
                Most people perform actions that they know they will regret in the future.  They usually do this because it is making them happy at that moment or because they are being pressured into it.  Although neither action is right, it still occurs.
                When you regret something, you usually go through a period of anger, sadness, or some kind of emotion.  At the time of this, you might seem like you will never be happy again, but after talking it out or thinking about the decision you made, you start to learn.  You have to make mistakes to learn; it’s a fact of life.  Not only can regret tear you down, but it could also build you up.
                Regret is something that you cannot dodge.  You have to face it at some point and time depending on the decisions you make.  If anything, regret helps you to learn a lesson and to help you make the right choices.