Sunday, January 27, 2013

Blog 5 - Fears

Blog Post 2- Fears

                My largest fear is spiders.  I have never liked spiders because they are nasty, hairy, creepy crawlers.  Seeing them gives me chills and makes me want to cry and scream.  Spiders not only look disgusting but they could also harm you depending on if they bite you or not.  On the average, two people per year die because of a spider bite.  Although it is a small amount of deaths, others still struggle with the bites by taking in a disease or other harmful effects on the person. 

                It is honestly scary to think that such small creatures could hurt you in such a large manner.  Spiders can range from huge to itty bitty.  Even though this is a factor, I don’t like them big or little.  Spiders also can range from dangerous to not dangerous.  Many spiders around here are not dangerous though, which is a good thing.

                Spider bites are very rare.  Depending on what kind of spider bite, you may become very ill or sick.  There are many precautions to these bites.  There are prescriptions to follow through with if the bite is more severe than normal.  If it is a small bite, you can take a nonprescription medicine.  You may also want to try rubbing some crème or spraying certain spray on there to help relieve the bite and treat it.  You may also want to try putting a cold rag on it before this.

                Spiders are scary in my opinion.  They are not my favorite creature at all.  I try to stay away from them as much as I can.

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