Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 3; Prompt 2, Review A Movie

Week 3, everyone’s a Critic

Prompt 2, Review a Movie

                In the movie “The Blind Side”, it is based on a homeless black youth that used to live with his drug addict mother in the projects.  He has little education and was not grown up in good conditions.  He is taken in by a wealthy white family who lives in a huge house with lots of rooms and space.  Leigh Anne, the mother who takes him in, ensures that he has an opportunity to succeed.  While finding something he likes, they have found he has interest in football.  His skills are wonderful and he impresses them by what he shows.  They continue by showing the coach his skills and soon after he is on the football team.  He is later offered by many colleges and he ends up going to one.  At the end of the movie, he is led to a heartbreaking goodbye with Leigh Anne and the rest of the loving family. 

                I think this picture fits this work perfectly because he is accepted for who he is.  No matter the color he is or personality he has, his life is transformed into such a work of art that in the end he succeeds.

                My opinion of this movie is admirable.  This movie touched me and really showed that when you are down in life you can succeed.  My ratings of this movie would be a 10, because everybody has their ups and their downs.  No matter how bad something is, things could always be worse.  You have to pick your head up and start thinking positive.

                In my opinion, this work was awesome.  I don’t think that it could be improved.  If there was one thing that I could change about this movie, it would be to have a happier ending.  Other than this minor adjustment, I believe this movie was life changing!

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