Sunday, November 25, 2012

Blog 1; Free Response

Blog 1; Free Response

Jesse Hourigan, one of my best friends, was diagnosed with leukemia last December.  Leukemia is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow.  It affects anything and everything in your body once it spreads.  It is an extremely harmful disease.

                I met Jesse about 5 or 6 years ago.  After moving from Colorado, he settled in my neighborhood.  He moved in right across the road from me; this caused us to cross paths at an instant.  We saw him, his mother, his father, and his sister unpacking boxes out of the huge moving truck.  Soon neighbors were piled around helping pull boxes out, spread them throughout the house, and start organizing.  My brother and I went over there to help and from that day forward, our lives changed.

                Jesse was always so mean to me when we first met.  He made fun of me, would not want me to be around him, and did not want me in his room.  This changed in later years to come.  Jesse became not only a best friend to me, but a brother at heart.  He always took care of me at school, he always made sure that I was doing the right things, and always made sure that no guys were trying to touch me.  He was protective, but it showed that he truly did care.  I will never forget this about him.

                Now that leukemia has taken over Jesse’s life, it hurts to see him the way that he is.  I’ve always seen him as a strong fighter; a fighter that could do anything; almost like a superhero.  Now that he is incapable of all his old ways, you can tell that he is getting weaker and weaker.  Life is starting to take a toll and slow down.  He continues to fight, but physically, he is too weak.  We do continue to hope and pray that Jesse gets better, although seconds are getting shorter. 

                Seeing everything that Jesse has been through and still going through is eye-opening.  It shows not to take anything for granted and to enjoy everything because nothing ever stays forever.  I continue to pray that Jesse will get better.  From here on, we have to trust in God because he has a plan for each and every one of us.  Not only is Jesse my best friend, he is my hero. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blog 5; Free Response

Blog 5; Free Response

I love summer and winter, but fall happens to be my favorite season.

 I love summer because it’s a couple months of relaxation and fun.  You can go to the pool, beach, lake, water parks, vacations, and so much more.  It’s the time of year where your parents let you stay out late and you can wear cute shorts and tanks.

 I like winter because you can go skiing, play in the snow, and so much more fun activities.  During this season, you have to cover up in warm clothes and sit back and enjoy a nice hot cup of hot chocolate or coffee.

                Most importantly, I love fall the most.  Fall is a perfect season for what I consider “cuddling weather”.  Since the cool air outside gets you chilly, it would be nice to cuddle up on the couch, watch a movie, and drink a cup of hot chocolate or coffee.  I love wearing sweatpants and sweatshirts so this weather is absolutely perfect for it.  The leaves start to fall off the trees and it gets prettier and prettier outside.  The sky becomes a light blue.  During this season, it gets darker earlier in the evening and the sun rises earlier in the morning.  There are many pros and cons to this. 

While other people like the warmer and hotter weather, I tend to like the cool weather.  Fall is my favorite season because of the coolness of the season, the changes outside, the leaves, and all of the other activities that I have stated above.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Blog 4 "If I Die Young"

Blog 4

Song Response to “If I die young” by The Band Perry

                The song “If I Die Young” is a song sung by a group called The Band Perry.  The story behind this song is that you shall not take anything for granted.  It says to make the best out of what you have and how long you live your life.  Whether it’s two years, twenty years, or two hundred years, make the best out of all that you are given.  The feeling that the author has in the story is a mixture of happiness and sadness.  It portrays sadness because of death; but then again portrays happiness because of making the best of what you have.  The artist succeeds in this event because they have reached out to many.  It shows how to live and young at a young age. 

                Another trait in the song is how it shows the meaning of life.  It shows that a lot of people don’t pay attention to someone or something until it is gone.  It describes this in the song by saying “a penny for my thoughts, oh no, I’ll sell them for a dollar, they’re worth so much more after I’m a goner”.  This statement is one of the truest statements I’ve ever heard.  It shows how people take for granted a lot of stuff, until something bad happens. 

                Although this song does talk about death, I still like it.  I like it because it expresses a feeling of life.  It states not to live life for granted and make the best of everything while we are on the Earth.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Post 1, Free Response

Post 1

Free Response

Being in the audience of many weddings, I have built an idea of how I would like my wedding to be.  I want my wedding to be a memorable event.  Being at the young age I am, it’s kind of just a dream in my head and not necessarily how it will be in reality. 

            I want my wedding appliances to be a pretty teal color.  I want the decorations to be organized and well arranged.  Another thing that attracts me in a wedding is beautiful flowers.  I want flowers the color of a baby pink and a light purple.  With the people in my wedding, I think it would be nice if all the ladies had the same dress and all the guys have the same suits.  Colors and arrangements have a huge importance on a wedding.

            I want lots of people in my wedding.  I want my flower girl to wear a teal dress with small heels.  I want my best friend to be the matron of honor wearing a brown suit with a teal tie.  I want the groomsmen to all have the same exact suit as the matron of honor.  My bridesmaids are going to wear light teal dresses with heels.  Most importantly, I would like for my “husband” to wear a brown suit with a teal tie while I wear a long white dress that is cut out in the back.  With this, I want my hair curled and pretty white pearls to follow along with everything else.  I want my wedding to be one to remember.

            As you can tell, I want my wedding to be almost perfect.  I am extremely picky about how everything and everyone will look.  I want it to be organized and put together properly instead of being thrown together with little effort.  I hope that all the work that is put into it will pay off and it will be one of the best weddings that anyone has ever attended.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Week 5; Top 10...

Week 5

Top 10…

                Listening to music always puts me in a good mood and I just love it.  With music you have to have a songwriter or singer.  These are my top ten singers:

1.       Hunter Hayes- Hunter Hayes is hands down my favorite singer.  He has different types of music varying from slow and sad to upbeat and exciting.  I like him because his songs can easily relate to anything.


2.       Luke Bryan- I love Luke Bryan.  He is a country singer that has a wonderful voice.  Not only is his voice wonderful, but so are his looks.  He is definitely one of my favorite.


3.       Jason Aldean- Jason Aldean has that chill, calm personality… until he gets on stage.  He is a loud, outgoing singer that can just change someone’s mood in a quick second.  I love listening to his songs because they remind me of summer.


4.       Blake Shelton- Blake Shelton is one of those singers where only certain songs of his pull my attention.  To be honest, I don’t like many of his songs, but the ones that I do like, I love.  He sings about love and relationships a lot of the time.


5.       Nelly- Nelly is such an old R&B/ hip hop singer.  I have listened to him ever since I was younger.  I would much rather listen to his older songs much better than his or anyone else’s newer songs.


6.       Rascal Flatts- Rascal Flatts is another singer that has also been around for quite a while.  His songs don’t always appease to me and my taste of music, but others do.  He is a good country singer and I love to listen to hip.


7.       Drake- Drake is a rap singer that has been around for a while, but just recently becoming as popular as he is.  I like listening to him because of the way his voice varies.  He can sing high or low.


8.       Carrie Underwood- Carrie Underwood is a beautiful woman inside and out.  She is a great country singer and I love her songs.  She is one of those singers where you can just listen to them all day long.


9.       Jennifer Lopez- Jennifer Lopez is a very unique person in her songs and actions.  Her songs appease to me in some ways that other songs can’t.  I like her songs for dancing because of the upbeat and interesting tune.


10.   Justin Bieber- Justin Bieber isn’t one of my top favorite singers.  His older songs are much better than his newer songs, but he is a cute guy and occasionally good singer. 


Choosing your favorite songs and songwriters is very opinionated.  They are different from each other because of the genre, different personalities, and different tastes of music.  As you can see, country is one of my favorite types of music.  Although I enjoy country, I do like other types of music also.  I narrowed my list down by picking artists that I absolutely love to artists that are good but not necessarily my favorite.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 3; Prompt 2, Review A Movie

Week 3, everyone’s a Critic

Prompt 2, Review a Movie

                In the movie “The Blind Side”, it is based on a homeless black youth that used to live with his drug addict mother in the projects.  He has little education and was not grown up in good conditions.  He is taken in by a wealthy white family who lives in a huge house with lots of rooms and space.  Leigh Anne, the mother who takes him in, ensures that he has an opportunity to succeed.  While finding something he likes, they have found he has interest in football.  His skills are wonderful and he impresses them by what he shows.  They continue by showing the coach his skills and soon after he is on the football team.  He is later offered by many colleges and he ends up going to one.  At the end of the movie, he is led to a heartbreaking goodbye with Leigh Anne and the rest of the loving family. 

                I think this picture fits this work perfectly because he is accepted for who he is.  No matter the color he is or personality he has, his life is transformed into such a work of art that in the end he succeeds.

                My opinion of this movie is admirable.  This movie touched me and really showed that when you are down in life you can succeed.  My ratings of this movie would be a 10, because everybody has their ups and their downs.  No matter how bad something is, things could always be worse.  You have to pick your head up and start thinking positive.

                In my opinion, this work was awesome.  I don’t think that it could be improved.  If there was one thing that I could change about this movie, it would be to have a happier ending.  Other than this minor adjustment, I believe this movie was life changing!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

"A Children's Story" Response

In the passage, "A Children's Story", I was very disappointed by what was happening.  I was occasionally confused and didn't understand what was going.  I started realizing what was happening close to the end of the story.  When the story started, everything seemed fine with the students and the older teacher.  That all changed when the new teacher came in.  She used different categories, questions, and activities to brainwash these students.  She did many things that were wrong and disrespectful.  Johnny, one of the characters in the story, knew right from wrong.  He knew that she was leading them down the wrong road and not taking responsibility of teaching the right way.  She should not of been allowed to take over the class like she did in the passage.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week 1; Prompt 3, Defining Love

Week 1, Defining Character

Prompt 3, Defining Love

                Love is an opinionated word people use quite frequently.  The essence of love is growing in a manner of time and purpose.  It is unconditional.  It is something that everyone talks about but only a few people believe or see.  Love has extraordinary areas to it.  It varies from the love for your pet, hobby, or a materialistic thing to the love for a family, friend, or partner.  You can see love by watching someone hug, kiss, share laughter together, or just the small things that mean the most.  You can feel love from someone by the way they talk to you, the way they act towards you, and maybe even to the amount of effort that is put into the relationship.  Love has different meanings to it.  Love is caring, committed, attracted, and intimate.  It can range from crucial to a desire for someone or something.  Love is a noun and a verb.  It is used as a noun because of the feeling of affection; it is used as a verb because it is an attachment. 

My brother and I have an inseparable bond. It is something I like to believe that no other siblings have. I have known many siblings to fight and argue, and not get along. Austin and I’s relationship is so different. Yes, we do have arguments and our own differences, but I love him. Love in this situation is a family/friend kind of relationship. 

Friends mean a lot to me. They have a bond that could never be replaced. Pictured is my younger neighbor’s. I put this up to show the close relationship that we share between each other. Putting a good impression on them is what I strive to do, knowing that they are growing up and need an influence in their lives. I love them because I’ve known them for many years, and I’ve spent those years growing up with them and seeing their lives transform.

In this picture, love describes a compassionate relationship between two people. My brother and his girlfriend have an inseparable bond. They care about each other, they are attracted to each other, and they have put effort into making a good situation between them. They not only ‘love’, but very well could be ‘in love’.