Sunday, February 17, 2013

Blog Post; What makes you come alive?

Blog Post 5; what makes you come alive?

                “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” I personally love this quote because it gives a sense of joy.  The world does not need us to suffer.  Nobody should think they don’t have a purpose.  Everybody should find out who they are and what they enjoy to do, and go do it.  The smallest things can make the biggest differences.  By one person awakening their dreams, they can inspire other people to do the same as they have done.

                What makes me come alive is something that I know yet it is hard to explain.  Helping people is what helps me come alive.  It helps me to know who I am, who I want to be, and how I want people to be treated.  I love to help everyone, but especially with special needs or autistic people.  I like this because they are so fun.  Their stories are fun to listen to and very entertaining.  They have such a big heart.  They can take you from laughing your butts off, to crying your eyes out.

                Helping people may not seem like a big difference, but in my eyes, it is a huge difference.  Everybody is unique in their own ways.  I love helping people for my own good instead of being forced to help someone.  Although it is a small way of coming alive, it is my way of coming alive.  I hope to inspire people by doing this and making it a universal difference.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Bost Post 4, Average 5 People

Blog Post 4; Average 5 people

                I personally believe that what Jim Rohn said about “You’re the average of the five people you spend time with”, is true.  I believe this because what you surround yourself with is who you are going to turn out to be like.  The way people talk, the way people act, the way people dress, and most importantly the way people are.  If you are to be around them all the time, they start to wear off on you and you start to change. 

                The five people I spend the most time with are my mom, my dad, my brother, Havan Harris, and Cierra Matherly.  From hanging out with these people, I have accepted their personalities and honestly feel like I have become a better person.  They all encourage me to stay in the right direction with my life and to make the right choices.  I feel as if they are by my side, it is easier to make a decision.  Since the acceptance of their personalities, I see where we have all become similar with each other and it comes to show that we have all worn off on each other and started to become closer. 

                It honestly does not bother me that the people that I hang out with and I are become similar.  We each have our own personalities, but being that we are all so close, we have shared our likes and dislikes with each other.  I love being around the people I hang out with and I do believe that I am the average of them.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blog Post; Society

Blog Post 3; Society, Why can’t you solve your own problems?

                While many people have pin-point problems that society faces, I believe societies biggest problem is society itself.  Nothing ever goes right in society.  Society persuades you to wear nice clothing, buy nice things, have nice cars, and just to be materialistic.  Instead of worrying about how we are on the inside, we are worried about our outside attraction and how people judge us.  Society, itself, is a huge problem.

                If we did not care so much about what people said about us or thought about us, life would be a lot easier.  Society finds a way to get in our life and change us to what it wants us to be.  If we kept to our own selves, we would not be worried about how people looked at us, much less society.  Whether you realize it or not, we are all pulled into society.  Most of us do things to make us look good or just because everyone else is doing it.

                For example, you see someone poor on the side of the road.  You are by yourself and you can’t seem to take your eyes off them.  You feel bad and honestly have that guilty feeling in your tummy.  You decide to give them a few dollars.  A few days later, you and your buddy are riding down the road and you see that same person.  He starts to laugh.  You don’t want your friend to make fun of you, so you start laughing with him and drive right by that same person that you had just felt bad for a few days before.  This example goes to show that we do things unintentionally or just to be accepted by others.

                Don’t make the same mistakes other people are making.  Be an advocate and be yourself.