Sunday, November 25, 2012

Blog 1; Free Response

Blog 1; Free Response

Jesse Hourigan, one of my best friends, was diagnosed with leukemia last December.  Leukemia is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow.  It affects anything and everything in your body once it spreads.  It is an extremely harmful disease.

                I met Jesse about 5 or 6 years ago.  After moving from Colorado, he settled in my neighborhood.  He moved in right across the road from me; this caused us to cross paths at an instant.  We saw him, his mother, his father, and his sister unpacking boxes out of the huge moving truck.  Soon neighbors were piled around helping pull boxes out, spread them throughout the house, and start organizing.  My brother and I went over there to help and from that day forward, our lives changed.

                Jesse was always so mean to me when we first met.  He made fun of me, would not want me to be around him, and did not want me in his room.  This changed in later years to come.  Jesse became not only a best friend to me, but a brother at heart.  He always took care of me at school, he always made sure that I was doing the right things, and always made sure that no guys were trying to touch me.  He was protective, but it showed that he truly did care.  I will never forget this about him.

                Now that leukemia has taken over Jesse’s life, it hurts to see him the way that he is.  I’ve always seen him as a strong fighter; a fighter that could do anything; almost like a superhero.  Now that he is incapable of all his old ways, you can tell that he is getting weaker and weaker.  Life is starting to take a toll and slow down.  He continues to fight, but physically, he is too weak.  We do continue to hope and pray that Jesse gets better, although seconds are getting shorter. 

                Seeing everything that Jesse has been through and still going through is eye-opening.  It shows not to take anything for granted and to enjoy everything because nothing ever stays forever.  I continue to pray that Jesse will get better.  From here on, we have to trust in God because he has a plan for each and every one of us.  Not only is Jesse my best friend, he is my hero. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blog 5; Free Response

Blog 5; Free Response

I love summer and winter, but fall happens to be my favorite season.

 I love summer because it’s a couple months of relaxation and fun.  You can go to the pool, beach, lake, water parks, vacations, and so much more.  It’s the time of year where your parents let you stay out late and you can wear cute shorts and tanks.

 I like winter because you can go skiing, play in the snow, and so much more fun activities.  During this season, you have to cover up in warm clothes and sit back and enjoy a nice hot cup of hot chocolate or coffee.

                Most importantly, I love fall the most.  Fall is a perfect season for what I consider “cuddling weather”.  Since the cool air outside gets you chilly, it would be nice to cuddle up on the couch, watch a movie, and drink a cup of hot chocolate or coffee.  I love wearing sweatpants and sweatshirts so this weather is absolutely perfect for it.  The leaves start to fall off the trees and it gets prettier and prettier outside.  The sky becomes a light blue.  During this season, it gets darker earlier in the evening and the sun rises earlier in the morning.  There are many pros and cons to this. 

While other people like the warmer and hotter weather, I tend to like the cool weather.  Fall is my favorite season because of the coolness of the season, the changes outside, the leaves, and all of the other activities that I have stated above.