Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Blog 4 "If I Die Young"

Blog 4

Song Response to “If I die young” by The Band Perry

                The song “If I Die Young” is a song sung by a group called The Band Perry.  The story behind this song is that you shall not take anything for granted.  It says to make the best out of what you have and how long you live your life.  Whether it’s two years, twenty years, or two hundred years, make the best out of all that you are given.  The feeling that the author has in the story is a mixture of happiness and sadness.  It portrays sadness because of death; but then again portrays happiness because of making the best of what you have.  The artist succeeds in this event because they have reached out to many.  It shows how to live and young at a young age. 

                Another trait in the song is how it shows the meaning of life.  It shows that a lot of people don’t pay attention to someone or something until it is gone.  It describes this in the song by saying “a penny for my thoughts, oh no, I’ll sell them for a dollar, they’re worth so much more after I’m a goner”.  This statement is one of the truest statements I’ve ever heard.  It shows how people take for granted a lot of stuff, until something bad happens. 

                Although this song does talk about death, I still like it.  I like it because it expresses a feeling of life.  It states not to live life for granted and make the best of everything while we are on the Earth.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Post 1, Free Response

Post 1

Free Response

Being in the audience of many weddings, I have built an idea of how I would like my wedding to be.  I want my wedding to be a memorable event.  Being at the young age I am, it’s kind of just a dream in my head and not necessarily how it will be in reality. 

            I want my wedding appliances to be a pretty teal color.  I want the decorations to be organized and well arranged.  Another thing that attracts me in a wedding is beautiful flowers.  I want flowers the color of a baby pink and a light purple.  With the people in my wedding, I think it would be nice if all the ladies had the same dress and all the guys have the same suits.  Colors and arrangements have a huge importance on a wedding.

            I want lots of people in my wedding.  I want my flower girl to wear a teal dress with small heels.  I want my best friend to be the matron of honor wearing a brown suit with a teal tie.  I want the groomsmen to all have the same exact suit as the matron of honor.  My bridesmaids are going to wear light teal dresses with heels.  Most importantly, I would like for my “husband” to wear a brown suit with a teal tie while I wear a long white dress that is cut out in the back.  With this, I want my hair curled and pretty white pearls to follow along with everything else.  I want my wedding to be one to remember.

            As you can tell, I want my wedding to be almost perfect.  I am extremely picky about how everything and everyone will look.  I want it to be organized and put together properly instead of being thrown together with little effort.  I hope that all the work that is put into it will pay off and it will be one of the best weddings that anyone has ever attended.