Thursday, August 30, 2012

"A Children's Story" Response

In the passage, "A Children's Story", I was very disappointed by what was happening.  I was occasionally confused and didn't understand what was going.  I started realizing what was happening close to the end of the story.  When the story started, everything seemed fine with the students and the older teacher.  That all changed when the new teacher came in.  She used different categories, questions, and activities to brainwash these students.  She did many things that were wrong and disrespectful.  Johnny, one of the characters in the story, knew right from wrong.  He knew that she was leading them down the wrong road and not taking responsibility of teaching the right way.  She should not of been allowed to take over the class like she did in the passage.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week 1; Prompt 3, Defining Love

Week 1, Defining Character

Prompt 3, Defining Love

                Love is an opinionated word people use quite frequently.  The essence of love is growing in a manner of time and purpose.  It is unconditional.  It is something that everyone talks about but only a few people believe or see.  Love has extraordinary areas to it.  It varies from the love for your pet, hobby, or a materialistic thing to the love for a family, friend, or partner.  You can see love by watching someone hug, kiss, share laughter together, or just the small things that mean the most.  You can feel love from someone by the way they talk to you, the way they act towards you, and maybe even to the amount of effort that is put into the relationship.  Love has different meanings to it.  Love is caring, committed, attracted, and intimate.  It can range from crucial to a desire for someone or something.  Love is a noun and a verb.  It is used as a noun because of the feeling of affection; it is used as a verb because it is an attachment. 

My brother and I have an inseparable bond. It is something I like to believe that no other siblings have. I have known many siblings to fight and argue, and not get along. Austin and I’s relationship is so different. Yes, we do have arguments and our own differences, but I love him. Love in this situation is a family/friend kind of relationship. 

Friends mean a lot to me. They have a bond that could never be replaced. Pictured is my younger neighbor’s. I put this up to show the close relationship that we share between each other. Putting a good impression on them is what I strive to do, knowing that they are growing up and need an influence in their lives. I love them because I’ve known them for many years, and I’ve spent those years growing up with them and seeing their lives transform.

In this picture, love describes a compassionate relationship between two people. My brother and his girlfriend have an inseparable bond. They care about each other, they are attracted to each other, and they have put effort into making a good situation between them. They not only ‘love’, but very well could be ‘in love’.